Schrikoa, the animated feature directed by Ishan Shukla, of which Variety announced in 2021 that Gaspar Noé should voice a character, finally gives some news.
Now titled Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust, it was selected at Rotterdam Film Festival (IFFR) in the Bright Future section.
Cast: Golshifteh Farahani, Asia Argento, Soko, Shabaz Sarwar, Tibu Fortes, King Khan, Denzil Smith, John Sutton, Lav Diaz, Karan Johar, Shekhar Kapur, Anurag Kashyap, Piyush Mishra, and of course Gaspar Noé.
The film is based on the director's 2016 shortfilm Schrikoa. In the meantime, he became more famously known for his involvment in Star Wars Visions 2 as he directed The Bandits of Golak.
The festival will take place in January 2024.